- Fixed not able to open the Post window some users are experiencing.
- Fixed installer so uninstall step happens again if there is an existing installation.
- Fixed Profile Wizard to default WordPress blog to use MovableType API to avoid unnecessary XML-RPC error.
- Updated to use Google API SDK version 1.1
- Updated to use Flickr.Net library version 2.1.5
Known Issues
- When using WindowBlinds with some specific skins, the background colour of the editor may sometimes be applied to the HTML code of the post.
Workaround: Change to another skin.
2.3.7 11/9/07
- Fixed endless proxy server error message in Profile Wizard
- Updated to Google's GData library
- Updated hyperlinks to ecto web sites.
2.3.6 7/9/07
- Changed tab order on the Post Option panel so Text Formatting or Comment dropdown list won't get focus and get changed by mistake.
- Fixed toolbar button customization do not persist in the Post window.
2.3.5 5/27/07
- Fixed timezone issue with Wordpress.com blogs.
2.3.4 5/11/07
- Fixed YouTube search error when running under non-US OS.
2.3.3 5/3/07
- Fixed occassional crash when uploading photos to blog.
- Fixed when switching blog in the Post window, the draft remains in the old blog's post list.
2.3.2 4/26/07
- Improved image upload presets handling.
- Fixed Post Option sidebar partially obscured on the right side when the OS is running high DPI. Sidebar is now resizable.
- Fixed the Blog Options->Post Option->Tags section in the Help documentation.
- Fixed Post categories list not refreshing when switching blog in the Post window.
2.3.1 3/20/07
- Fixed spell check suggestions not displayed in context menu. This is introduced in 2.3. My apologies.
2.3 3/18/07
- Added YouTube search support. Note that while the video would not be displayed in entirety in the editor, the preview window shows the video properly.
- Fixed not able to input CJK characters.
- Fixed empty paragraph issue.
- Fixed double spaces issue.
- Updated to Google's GData library
2.2.4 2/20/07
- Updated to Google's GData library
- Fixed Flickr image insertion or file drag-n-drop is allowed when using Blogger.
- Fixed extraneous linebreak in draft when published to server in Rich mode.
- Fixed error in posting draft to Blogger.
- Fixed some Japanese localization issue (e.g. Tags and Amazon Templates options are not visible in when running under Japanese OS)
2.2.3 2/10/07
- Fixed unable to send a post to server if only photo is in the post's body.
- Fixed Select All not working in post editor.
- Fixed context menu not appearing in post editors.
- Fixed Flickr authorization error not handled properly and thus not showing Flickr Search window.
2.2.2 1/27/07
- Added sorting to the HTML Templates, so now they appear in alphabertical order.
- Added mirror download site to Check for Update function.
- Improved Email notification. Now with SSL option.
- Updated Help file with Amazon and Flickr searches.
- Fixed non-breaking space being removed when switching between Rich and HTML views.
- Fixed inconsistant paragraph spacing between existing and new paragraphs.
- Fixed tags HTML generation not includes the Start and End Tags in the templates.
2.2.1 1/1/07
- Improved support for running in non-Administrator user account.
2.2.0 12/20/06
- Added Flickr Search support for image upload.
- Added more robust data saving to guard against OS crashing.
- Added support for CSS style/class for image upload.
- Added support for generic tag format (e.g. Ultimate Tag Warrior)
- Added GoDaddy.com's Quick Blog to the preset list of blog type in Profile Creation Wizard.
- Added check for default RSD location before checking blog index page HTML header.
- Added initial support for the new Google's Blogger beta using the GData library.
- Added Image option to Create Link window.
- Added extra options for different type of posting entry data time.
- Added profile backup and restore to file capability.
- Added Paste Special option to Post window with capability to paste text as unformatted text or strip out MS Word formatting tags.
- Updated Amazon Search to include new product types.
- Fixed batch uploads' local cache path not replaced by uploaded URL.
- Fixed performance issue when using Backspace key in editor.
- Fixed HTML code get converted into HTML entities when using HTML Templates in HTML mode.
- Fixed image incorrectly removed when using HTML Templates in Rich mode.
- Fixed formatting toolbar buttons not working in HTML mode.
- Fixed crash caused by progress bar.
- Fixed side panel in Post window does not collapse/open properly.
- Fixed exception error when refreshing posts from server.
- Fixed 'Select All' option in the Post editor's contextual menu not working.
- Fixed pinging stops if any ping fails.
- Fixed extraneous paragraph tags in post editor after all the content has been removed from the editor.
- Fixed HTML style being removed when adding hyperlink.
- Fixed can't add new post to Blogger using BloggerAtom API.
2.1.7 8/13/06
- Fixed 403 error in Profile Wizard when trying to connect to the blog site.
2.1.6 8/7/06
- Fixed extra linebreak when inserting HTML tags which has only start element.
- Fixed missing Associate ID in Amazon search result URL.
- Fixed Amazon Search not working in HTML View.
- Fixed Check for Update not obeying setting in Options.
- Fixed extraneous paragraph tags for empty text editor when switching between Rich and HTML views.
- Fixed HTML Tags requires text selection to work in HTML View.
- Fixed crash when spellchecking an empty post.
2.1.5 7/28/06
- Fixed html tags insertion not working in HTML edit mode.
- Fixed Find & Replace window replacing all instance when only next match should be replaced.
- Added Replace All to Find & Replace window.
2.1.4 7/24/06
- Fixed spell checker not providing suggestions for non-English dictionaries.
- Fixed regression bug with empty title/body check introduced in 2.1.3
2.1.3 7/20/06
- Fixed when opening post window the editor mode not correctly set and subsequently the post content is incorrectly displayed.
- Fixed no paragraph tags around the content if there only one paragraph in the editor.
2.1.2 7/19/06
- Fixed post time issue with WP introduced in 2.1.1.
- Fixed empty paragraph tag not containing a non-breaking space entity.
2.1.1 7/18/06
- Fixed mishaving Insert Hyperlink function introduced in 2.1.
2.1 7/16/06
- Added Amazon tool for searching and inserting Amazon item into post.
- Added 'Paste Without Formatting' option to paste text as plain text into editor.
- Added image thumbnail settings to Image Upload Preset.
- Added compatibility for keyboard shortcuts (Undo, Cut, Copy, and Paste).
- Added option to install language support in installer.
- Added option to respect double spaces in sentences.
- Changed default setting for "Use Current DateTime When Posting" to off.
- Improved interaction for Insert Hyperlink window.
- Fixed extraneous non-breaking space HTML entity (e.g. ) in post content.
- Fixed crash when trying to remove existing hyperlink.
- Fixed registration error on 64 bit XP & some 32 bit XP OS.
- Fixed proxy URL and port UI behavior in Profile Wizard.
- Fixed connection error when communicating with blog server.
- Fixed duplicate text when wrapping text selection with HTML Tags.
- Fixed Ctrl-A and Delete keys not working correctly in editor.
- Fixed post list not refresh to show saved draft if communication with server fails.
- Fixed extraneous non-breaking space HTML entity (e.g. ) in post content. Again.
- Fixed PermaLink not stored properly in post, which leads to error when copying URL or viewing post in browser.
2.0 5/7/06
- Official release.
2.0 RC5 5/5/06
- Fixed hyperlink creation inserting only URL for existing image in editor.
- Fixed potential problem of requesting post with temp ID from server. Also removed duplicate calls to server to get new/edit post.
- Fixed no option to save post as Edit on the server when the post has already been published.
- Updated Help file.
2.0 RC4 4/16/06
- Fixed Server exception when exiting initial profile wizard.
- Fixed dictionary selection not displaying in Spellcheck Option.
- Possible fix for post editor does not response after switching editing mode.
2.0 RC3 4/16/06
- Added categories back to the post editor, as requested.
- Improved font handling in the Fonts option.
- Improved font handling in Post window. Font size choosen in Options window will now reflect in editor. Font style will not use SPAN tag instead of FONT tag.
- Fixed spellcheck suggestion does not take original word casing into consideration.
- Fixed font size/colour doesn't change when changing blog within the post window using dropdown list in toolbar.
- Fixed Blog Options selections on the left doesn't changed if Fonts option is selected.
- Misc UI fixes.
2.0 RC2 4/11/06
- Added message box for informing user about MT API username/password verses regular username/password.
- Moved Preview Entry menu item from File to View menu.
- Moved Trackback menu item from Edit to Insert menu.
- Fixed Null exception when exiting initial profile wizard.
- Fixed Preview window does not open when there is no text filter defined by blog server.
- Fixed Find&Replace window issue with Cut/Copy/Paste text.
- Fixed font colour in Blog Options not used in text editor.
2.0 RC1 4/9/06
- Fixed Preview window does not handle UTF-8 umlaut characters correctly.
- Misc bug fixes.
2.0 Beta 4 4/3/06
- Fixed tag name not persisting when first created, and default to 'Tag 1', 'Tag 2', etc.
2.0 Beta 3 4/2/06
- Added automatically inserts the file title as the "alt" tag in the Upload window.
- Changed old 'Reset' button in post date time panel to 'Now', and add 'Reset' button to reset date time back to post's original date time.
- Fixed post editing functions (Undo, Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste, and Select All) not working through the menu.
2.0 Beta 2 3/26/06
- Enabled Enter key in the Insert Link window
- Moved blog option (formerly Edit->Preference) back to Tools->Blog Options.
- Removed redundant 'Check for Update on Startup' option in Blog Options.
- Disabled 'Check for Update on Startup' for beta testing.
- Fixed upload preset not saving upload path
- Fixed multiple fonts being displayed in font dropdown box.
- Fixed mouse scroll wheel does not work in Preview window.
2.0 Beta 1 3/25/06
- Added automatic checking of newly added tag.
- Added F5 keyboard shortcut to Preview window for refreshing preview content.
- Added Find and Replace capability to post editor.
- Added Ctrl-L keyboard shortcut to Insert Hyperlink command, in addtion to Ctrl-K.
- Added keyboard shortcut to HTML tags options.
- Added ability to publish draft to server from main window's post list.
- Added option to send post using current date time or last saved date time.
- Added option to view preview on bottom or right of post list.
- Fixed menu option "New draft with Template" is enabled even when there is no template present.
- Fixed post list sorting does not work with custom date time format.
- Removed the extra confirmation message when sending an edit post.
- Changed ping behavior so send pings only when creating new posts, not when editing.